Import failed

Push Push said:

Push Push connected: version ..; model: ; device: . [Disconnect]

Select your device

No devices found!

Configure Push Push

No device connected


Configuration successfully stored

Error storing configuration

Communication error

Push Push said: "The action command is invalid

[Export to file] [Import from file]

User guide

This app is the editor for the configuration of Push Push, a DIY device that you can easily build with Arduino (See here).
Push Push allows you to send keystrokes to a computer by emulating a USB keyboard.
With this editor you can choose the keystrokes that each button of the Push Push sends to your computer.
The editor can work totally offline and can be installed on your desktop computer of tablet or cellphone.
You can also export the Push Push configuration to a file and import it at a later time, building a simple library of button configuration.

How to use the editor

  1. Connect your Push Push to the computer with the USB cable
  2. Open this web page (or reload it)
  3. The browser will ask you the permission to open and reconfigure your MIDI devices with SysEx.
    Consent to it (Sysex is the language we use to send configuration messages to Push Push)
  4. Select your device from the dropdown.
    (Tipically the device is not named Push Push. It is named after the Arduino Board you used to build it, es: Arduino Leonardo)
  5. Click Connect
  6. A table will appear with your buttons in each row and up to five keys dropdowns in columns. The first 4 keys are so called "modifiers": CTRL, ALT SHIFT etc.. The last column are letters and special keys. If your Push Push was already configured with some key, they will be preselected in the dropdowns
  7. Select the key combination you need for each button and click Store to send and save it to your Push Push
  8. If you messed up and want to restart, simply click Refresh and the pre-existent configuration will be reloaded from your Push Push
Attention: the editor doesn't run inside Firefox. You have to use Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, etc..

How to install

The editor can work totally offline and can be installed on your desktop computer of tablet or cellphone.

If you are on a desktop computer, click on the install icon in the browser address bar:

If you are on a tablet or mobile phone, a small notification shold appear on the bottom of the browser screen:

If the notification doesn't appear, click on the browser's menu and tap on Install app or Add to home

Import / export configuration

In order to quickly change your Push Push configuration, restoring previous used ones, you can save the configuration to a file.

In the editor screen, click on the Export to file link, then choose the location where you want to store the file. Choose a name that will halp you remember what's tha configuration was for, then save.
The editor will create a .pushpush file that you could later import by clicking on the Import from file link.

Once imported back to the editor you can send it to your Push Push clicking on the "Store to ..." button.

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About & Credits

Push Push Editor ver
(c) 2024 by Stefano Garuti
Licensed under Gnu General Public License v. 3

Built with:

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Push Push Editor version: . (c) 2024 Stefano Garuti - [About & Credits] - [GitHub]